Ennio Morricone the genius against the humorless
Ennio Morricone the genius against the humorless

Israel VianaSEGUIRMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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“Avoid the short questions about your director favorite, you don’t like”. “Do not ask about your private life”. “Don’t ask him to pose”. “Don’t you photograph them on your piano or tells you to touch it”. “Don’t use the term “spaghetti western”, he considers it an insult.” “Do not move any furniture in your home, he will be angry of truth”. “A lot of people question how they should call the artist: he shall be called master.”

While ringing the phone of the writing a year ago, with all these warnings sent from his home in Rome, one expected the worst. You’d have to follow them to the letter if you didn’t want that Ennio Morricone, one of the personalities most influential musical of the TWENTIETH century, died last July 6 in Rome, we exhibited at the first change, as he had done so many other times in her six decades of career. “He hates interviews, and strives to prove it. It is constantly yawning to answer. One wonders what the hidden reasons lead him / her to honor them if you dislike them,” wrote a comrade of ABC since 1988, after chatting with him because of the premiere in Spain of “Cinema Paradiso”.

[ Interview with Morricone: “I’ve spent my whole life answering stupid questions and irritating”]

And is that Morricone has moved always in that fine line that separates genius able to move the 20,000 spectators who came to fire in Madrid a year ago, with all standing ovacionándole for several minutes before they even sounded the first drum of “The untouchables of Elliot Ness”, and the man with the reputation of being grumpy that does not hesitate to call “fool” to Quentin Tarantino in public for using their music whimsical. “Tarantino I can, it’s absolute chaos. Does not think when he speaks, decides everything at the last moment, has no concept of. Never again, I told him the last time. The next will be more hard. Then you can kiss me. This man is a fool,” he said, before adding: “I do Not like his movies, they are trash”.

But always, always, always succeed in imposing the first blow of the baton, despite everything. Is it simply the power of music? “We love you, Ennio!”, he shouted countless fans of all ages in the vastness of the WiZink Center, while the teacher ran to perfection, with very few gestures, and hiding the arms as if he wanted to disappear from the scene –”I’d like you all to close your eyes in my concerts, not good for anything else. When you look at you lose concentration on the music”, with an orchestra of 200 people.

With that discretion wanted to live all her life. Without the press, in the solitude of his home, with only the company of his beloved Mary and rose, as always at 4 in the morning to write in the intimacy of those more than 500 soundtracks, which he signed ” from The federal “, in 1961. But failed to do so, because they were so innovative and beautiful that it sold more than 70 million albums and ended up being one of the composers most famous, beloved and influential of century XX and what we took of the XXI. The same that fought the most important directors of the history, from Huston to Buñuel, passing by Palm, Pasolini, Polanski, Bertolucci and, of course, their unforgettable Sergio Leone, with who forever changed the genre western with his famous ” Trilogy of the dollar “.

“throughout these sixty years, I have had to answer many, many, many stupid questions and irritating. I ended up fed up of listening to them time and time again and always repeat the same stories. I got bored me and I think also the readers. Sometimes there are exciting interviews that I like to answer, but that does not happen almost never, and I ended up sick,” said at the end of his interview with ABC Cultural, one of the last that he made in life. But, suddenly, before you say goodbye, surprises us with a shouted from the other side of the room, breaking the impervious wall that had been his translator for more than half an hour: “Thank you, I have liked very much to talk with you! It has been very interesting!”. And there it is, the genius lovely to be imposed for a time the master unsociable.