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What is life as a monk really like? In France, it is estimated that there are about 4000 monks. These men of faith live, most of the time, secluded in abbeys and monasteries.

“The life of the monk is nothing other than a simple Christian life, it includes nothing more than another life, called normal: the monk eats, sleeps, prays and works; in fact, he does not There are only two differences, community life and celibacy”, can we read on the site of the Abbaye de Fleury.

From the Latin monachus (lonely man), the term “monk” designates a man or a woman bound by religious vows and leading, in fact, an essentially spiritual, devotional and contemplative life.

A typical day for a monk revolves around several “simple” activities: reading, prayer, and work. In some monasteries, the monks make wine, cheese, jams… They also cultivate the land and can raise cattle.

For them, energy sobriety has been applied on a daily basis for centuries. Among the monks, no energy-consuming household appliances, no television, no state-of-the-art car…

At the Benedictine abbey Sainte-Marie-de-la-Pierre-Qui-Vire, in the Morvan, the monks even made it a point of honor to be completely independent in terms of energy.

“We follow Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato si”, which calls for the protection of the environment”, explains Brother Guillaume in the columns of Figaro.

Over time, they have set up their own hydroelectric power station, a wood-fired boiler, and benefit from the methanisation of their waste. What if, at a time when energy bills are climbing in all homes in France, these men of God were an example to follow?

In our slideshow, discover 7 tips for living “like a monk” and saving without limits this winter.