resim 196
resim 196

The energy crisis affects all parts of our society. If the French are on the front line in the face of rising prices and shortages, whether in the field of fuel, electricity or gas, it is also the municipalities who are worried about the burden that these costs represent. on their budget.

The association of mayors of Ile-de-France (Amif) launched a “cry of alarm”, as President Stéphane Beaudet said in the columns of Parisian. An open letter was sent to all parliamentarians in the region. This has collected the signature of more than 500 mayors out of the 1,270 that exist in this area. All kinds of municipalities have thus taken a position, from the richest to the poorest.

Through this letter, the mayors express a lack of means for the municipalities and demand a tariff shield in the face of soaring energy costs. In some cities like Saint-Denis, in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, the energy budget should weigh “at least 3 million euros, but perhaps 4, 5 or 6 million if this continues, we will not be able to not absorb”, as mayor Mathieu Hanotin, member of the Socialist Party, confided to our colleagues.

Same story in Limeil-Brévannes, a small town in Val-de-Marne where energy expenditure should increase from 750,000 euros this year to 3 million in 2023.

Due to this crisis and the reduced budget, some places of life could well close their doors if no solution allows the municipalities to get their heads out of the water.