resim 211
resim 211

At a time of climatic upheavals and an inflation phenomenon that has affected the entire planet for almost a year (6.5% in France, 9% in the United States and even more than 20% in certain countries in the euro) who wouldn’t want to reduce their electricity bill and adopt more responsible consumption? According to the editorialist of the Washington Post, then relayed by Courrier international: “We use our household appliances like in 1970. There is better to do.”

Indeed, Michael J. Coren explains that the situation today, at least in the United States, resembles the consumption pattern of the 1970s. Already at the time of the oil crisis, American households were encouraged to optimize the use of the dishwasher or the duration of use of the lamps.

Moreover, in August 2022, Joe Biden introduced an anti-inflation plan that imposed strict standards on American households and incurred historic expenditure for the country – 370 billion dollars to honor the objectives on greenhouse gas emissions. and $64 billion for health – promises both economic and ecological progress. In fact, the journalist explains: “Recent efforts in this area have reduced the annual bill of the average American household by $500, and by 7% the projections for energy consumption in the United States, according to figures from the ‘Appliance Standards Awareness Project’

But then what tips to reduce energy expenditure? Regarding the dishwasher, forget about rinsing the plates before putting them in the dishwasher, they are powerful enough today to do the job for you. Also, wait until it is completely full before throwing it!

For laundry, the journalist recommends washing it cold, because current machines wash at low temperatures as well as in hot water.

Regarding the refrigerator, it is recommended not to set the temperature too high. Maximum 4°C. “But the biggest mistake is to keep a fridge that is way too old,” warns Michael J. Coren. Indeed, even if it may seem paradoxical, it is necessary, as far as reasonable, to renew these devices. Devices that are too old will consume more and therefore make you lose money in the long run.

A survey by Le Parisien reveals on what uses the French are ready to limit their consumption and make efforts to meet the expectations of Emmanuel Macron, who in a video broadcast on social networks, Thursday January 26, asked them to redouble their consumption. efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. In terms of consumption, they are therefore ready to pay attention to packaging (87% of them), lighting (84%), water (78%) or heating (76%).More surprising , 68% say they are ready to limit their use of the car, which is essential in the daily lives of many of them.

On the other hand, it is still difficult to consider restricting oneself on the Internet, especially for those under 25.