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After two years marked by Covid-19, confinements and curfews, many French people have made the decision to move. A study published in March 2021 carried out by OpinionWay for L’Officiel du Déménagement shows that one in four French people were planning to move.

In 2020, this figure was 15% and we can therefore observe a significant increase linked to the arrival of the pandemic on the territory. Thus, many people have already moved or are still planning to do so in the months or years to come.

However, when you want to change your life like this, it is often more difficult to determine exactly where you want to go. Some people have a particular attachment to a region or a city. In this case, the choice of location seems more obvious.

For others, this choice is more difficult, because they sometimes want to discover a place they do not know. But the decision is only more complicated, because it is difficult to project oneself. In addition, it is not necessarily easy to compare both the price of real estate and the quality of the job market to find the ideal city.

The broker Meilleurtaux and the job search site Meteojob have thus carried out a joint survey with the aim of producing a ranking of the most attractive cities. Thus, they coupled the share of permanent job offers per 100 inhabitants with real estate purchasing power, underlines Le Parisien.

This second indicator corresponds to the number of square meters accessible according to the median salary, interest rates and the price of real estate.

Discover below the ranking of the 20 most favorable cities in mid-November 2022.