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Does your municipality guarantee full employment? Some French cities, champions of the post-Covid economic recovery, are not far from it, according to a study conducted by Le Figaro. In order to establish a ranking, 100 cities were compared, thanks to the analysis of the number of positions offered in relation to the number of applicants. Those with the largest share of permanent contracts have thus been found. A very important element when you want to retrain, while hoping to find a stable job.

Digital, cybersecurity, building, tourism, health… In many sectors, demand is high. So much so that some have difficulty finding candidates. This point could therefore be of interest to you, because by applying in these highly sought-after sectors, you increase your chances of employability, due to a lack of demand. “In 2022, 57.9% of hiring projects are considered difficult by employers,” says Pôle emploi.

Because, by observing the figures, certain data challenge.

In detail, if a million offers are available on Pôle emploi, job seekers are 3 times more numerous: 3.19 million French people. How then can we explain this phenomenon? There is a mismatch between the offer and the profiles of the applicants.

In addition, the largest non-seasonal recruitment projects in 2022 – numbering 2.14 million (16.1% compared to 2021) – are in the following sectors:

And good news, according to Pôle Emploi’s “Need for manpower” survey, 54.3% of recruitment projects in 2022 will be established on permanent contracts. This is 11.5 points more than in 2021.

After carrying out a skills assessment, you will be able to study if your project has a good chance of succeeding in your city, or, if you are not afraid of adventure, if you should consider moving. .Discover in the slideshow below the 10 cities “where the labor market is the most dynamic and the least marked by precariousness”, according to the Figaro report. the-ranking-of-cities-where-work-is-not-missing-20220428