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At the heart of a busy week, the President of the Republic received on Monday May 15, 2023 very wealthy industrialists, like the boss of Space X, Tesla and Twitter, Elon Musk, at the occasion of the “Choose France” summit at the Palace of Versailles. The day before, we learned that the Head of State would also be the guest of Gilles Bouleau this Monday evening in order to lend himself to an interview. His last speech during a television news dated back to Wednesday March 22, 2023 for the 1 p.m. editions of TF1 and France 2.

Lately, Emmanuel Macron has been focusing his speeches on foreign affairs topics. The war in Ukraine in the front line with the various interviews alongside the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky or even that of May 11 with the President of the United Arab Emirates, Mohamed ben Zayed Al Nahyan. Since March 13, the Head of State has multiplied media interventions for several regional dailies including Challenges or L’Opinion.

Polls against him, an angry people and a weakened relationship with his prime minister, the comeback is not as expected. With popularity below 30%, the executive will have to offer new forms of political enhancement to the French, even if it means facing the famous “pans” of political and rural opponents. However, “rather than confronting the people, Emmanuel Macron prefers to avoid pot concerts and therefore goes to television”, judge Guillaume Roquette, journalist for Le Figaro.

Despite everything, the president knows that he is engaging in a dangerous game. Monopolizing the floor and being omnipresent can push him to make certain mistakes, like the one during his outing on the non-vaccinated people he wanted to “annoy”.

In addition, Emmanuel Macron’s speeches will have to give back to the French people the desire to follow the political agenda. Indeed, during this interview, the president has lost a good number of viewers since his last interview broadcast: 11.5 million viewers for that of March 13 against 6 million for that of this Monday, May 15, 2023, according to figures from hearings reported by Pure Media.

Find in our slideshow below the striking statements of Emmanuel Macron during this interview for the TF1 8 p.m. newspaper.