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Engineer, minister, prefect, chief of staff, president of the RATP…Elisabeth Borne is a head of government with a busy CV. Coming from the left and close to the socialist party, there is nothing to indicate, however, that she had a card with the PS. In the 2017 presidential election, the senior official voted for Emmanuel Macron and joined his party, La République en Marche.

Three years later, in 2020, she became a member of Territories of Progress, a center-left party of the presidential majority founded by Jean-Yves Le Drian and Olivier Dussopt. A party also joined by other Macronist ministers like Clément Beaune, for European Affairs, or Olivier Véran, for Health.

On May 16, 2022, Elisabeth Borne becomes the second woman to access Matignon under the Fifth Republic. She dedicates this nomination to “all the little girls”, and encourages them to “go after their dreams”. “Nothing should hinder the fight for the place of women in our society”, she added, with a thought for Edith Cresson, Prime Minister from May 15, 1991 to April 2, 1992 under the presidency of François Mitterrand. Elisabeth Borne, a polytechnician described as a loyal and hardworking politician, will be responsible for several important files in the coming months, such as ecological planning and pension reform.

thanks to

Thank you to @EmmanuelMacron for his trust and the honor he gives me by appointing me Prime Minister.

Thanks also to @JeanCASTEX for his action over the past two years.

The challenges before us are great. I fully appreciate this responsibility. pic.twitter” data-pos=”4″ data-width=”” data-height=””>

Hunting, ecology, pension reform… Do you know the positions taken by our new head of government? If not, discover them in five points in our slideshow below.