for example, If Eli Iserbyt starts, he won this cyclocross season, almost always. Also in the Cast, at the opening of the world cup, it was one to remember. The West-Fleming rode in for the final round of a major route, the way of Those of Herman’s, and picked up his fourth win of the season.
After a two-Wereldbekermanches in the United States of america, it was time for the first klassementscross on European soil. Not in Belgium but in the Netherlands, the veldritpeloton moved on to Casting for the first Superprestigemanche of the season. And that was without Mathieu van der Poel, the man who, with four of the last five games, in Casting, and won last year’s all-Superprestigewedstrijden to offer. Wout van Aert, still recovering from his crash in the Tour de France, it was, of course, not one of them.
Due to the absence of Van der Poel and Van Aert was on the Tom Meeusen is the only participant who has been a Superprestigewedstrijd for the win, and it’s also the only former winner in the Pouring started. Meeusen, however, would not have a significant role to play in the wedstrijdverhaal. It Wants would seem, however, to continue to do so after a kanonstart. Wants, took some of the lengths on the competition, but that was not the end of the first lap back because of a flat tire. Of Brute bad luck.
After the collapse of the Fes came in, Laurens Sweeck and Quinten Hermans of the pipe, and the other two were quickly picked up. Afterwards, we had to wait for the next attack. Daan Soete and Eli Iserbyt tried it and it did not break but were again caught. The sweet reed, and then, almost immediately, the leak, and then Iserbyt is the second time it’s tried. This time, he was Quinten Hermans as a companion. This attack had more success, the reason why at a fast pace away from the competitors.
Photo: Photo in the News < / p> for the Three leaders:
the Show for one more Year, saw the danger, and left the other chasers behind, but back at the top of the course was not in it. To Eli Iserbyt, twice, tried to escape round 7. Herman concluded time and time again, and the tempo faltered. With a half lap to go and was able to for one more Year, which had previously been almost half a minute, the deficit had, however, connect to a computer.
the Win, however, would be a tough job for the Belgian champion, who is soaking in the krachtenarsenaal would have had to invade in order to return to the front of the race. In each of the small attack, Iserbyt, and Herman, had to be During this couple of lengths on them. However, the Belgian champion gradually. To materiaalpech its chances of winning final verpestten: During reed’s chain fell off, saw my teammates Corne van Kessel and Lars van der haar will pass, and in the end had to walk his way, to continue.
In the final lap, showed Iserbyt once again why he is the man of the season so far. He walked into Herman’s off in the mud and rode solo to the victory. Again, for the seventh win for Pauwels Sauces-Bingoal, compared to zero for the Telenet Fidea cycling team.
for More on Eli Iserbyt Eli Iserbyt wins, and now the Polderscross in Kruibeke, after a strong solo Show During the second and Niels Albert will analyze the veldritseizoen so far, and predicts a crossover from Pouring in, “Eli Iserbyt is the man now,” Jurgen Mettepenningen after a great start of the veldritseizoen: “Iserbyt had Van Aert it to win in America,” Eli Iserbyt, after a second impressive crossoverwinning of the season: “a Lot of risks. No, it was a bit of a tjolen ”