Economic dispute with China Trump pay attention to important announcements
Economic dispute with China Trump pay attention to important announcements

really Comes movement in the trade dispute between the two largest economies in the world? The American President Donald Trump, at least, seems to be very confident. “Very productive talks with China”, he and added: “Respecting tweeted some important announcements!”

In the stock market hope was immediately wide. The stock prices of BMW and Daimler, the manufacture in the United States, all-terrain vehicles, and from there export to China increased by 2.4 percent. Volkswagen shares gained even more, up to 3.7 percent of their value. The share prices of Peugeot, Renault and Fiat Chrysler, as well as suppliers such as Continental and Faurecia also increased. The German standard value of the Dax index extended gains and was trading two per cent higher on a little less than 11,000 points.

The leaders in Beijing wanted to, allegedly, reduce the of China, as a result of the dispute increase the duties against cars from America drastically – you will be taken back to 15 from the current 40 percent, according to the news Agency Bloomberg reported, citing familiar with the matter people. A proposal had been submitted to the Cabinet for consideration.

An official confirmation of this, there is not yet. Also, it is not known what to offer the Americans in return. As distressing for the talks just came in anyway, adding that canadian authorities, the financial boss of the Chinese technology group Huawei arrests, at the Request of Washington.

In July, in turn, had raised the Beijing government as a result of the escalating confrontation with the United States, the Auto tariffs to 40 percent, according to many manufacturers increased the sales prices and as a result sales suffered declines. After his recent Meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina, Donald Trump had tweeted already, China have agreed to reduce the car duties.