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A bonus revised downwards. On December 22, 2023, the weekly Les Echos stated that the government wanted to reduce the amount of the ecological bonus for certain households. In 2024, the bonus linked to the purchase of an electric vehicle will be conditioned by several criteria. Among them, we find the income received. But who will be affected? What will be the new amount collected? We’ll explain it to you.

On May 11, 2023, Emmanuel Macron presented, at the Elysée, his plan to accelerate reindustrialization in France. Among the measures discussed, the president placed emphasis on conditioning the carbon footprint to support European production. Tuesday May 16, Bruno Le Maire, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, returned to the declarations of the Head of State by detailing the green industry bill.

Among the key measures, we find the ecological bonus, reorganized for the end of 2023. The objective is to promote French and European vehicle production. However, the amount received by households was not intended as a measure. Since January 1, an ecological bonus has been granted for the purchase of a new electric or hydrogen vehicle costing less than 47,000 euros. The amount then depends on the income received by the household.

Until now, a maximum of 7,000 euros is allocated to households which have a reference tax income per share of 14,089 euros. A maximum of 5,000 euros is granted regardless of household income. Finally, for the purchase of a used electric vehicle, an ecological bonus of 1,000 euros has also been available since December 2020. But what are the modified amounts and what are the reasons?

In 2023, the budget granted to the ecological bonus initially amounted to 1.3 billion euros. But given the success of the system, the State extended it by 400 million euros. According to the website of the Ministry of the Economy, the 2024 budget granted to “encourage green competitiveness” is 1.5 billion euros.

The executive’s objective is that the ecological bonus can encompass a greater number of electric car purchases while reducing the amount granted for each. The State also wishes to benefit only new vehicles manufactured in Europe. The bonus for the purchase of a used electric vehicle could therefore be eliminated. What details will be the amounts allocated to each household?

According to information collected by franceinfo from a source close to the matter, the ecological bonus will probably be reduced for the wealthiest households. More precisely, this measure would concern the 40% of the richest French people, which confirms the information broadcast by Les Echos. This measure would be applied from January 1, 2024.

The ecological bonus, which could reach 5,000 euros for the wealthiest households, would be reduced by 1,000 euros. Furthermore, the most modest households will be able to continue to receive up to 7,000 euros for the purchase of a new electric vehicle. According to our colleagues from franceinfo, a decree should be published by the government in a few days.