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Many catering operators are currently struggling with this problem – too few staff. The well-known Kölsch brewery “ Früh am Dom ” is also on the lookout. And what do you do if you can’t find the right staff? Then comes Johnny’s game. After extensive testing, Johnny was “hired” as the new early employee.

Johnny is more of an acquisition. It is a moving robot.

“Johnny, as we call him, doesn’t serve,” says Karl-Heinz Scholzen, head of gastronomy. “He should support Köbes in his work. Especially on the terrace. Because the distances are quite long,” adds Scholzen.

The robot has several shelves on one side. The Köbesse can put plates and glasses there. “Importantly, Johnny doesn’t bring Kölsch. He doesn’t speak Kölsch either,” the head of the Früh-Gastro explains to

Johnny at work – check out the Facebook posting here:

“After the trial phase, Johnny was well integrated by his colleagues and the guests also had fun with him,” smiles Scholzen. “Many visitors want to take a photo with him.”

The restaurateur assures us that nothing more than Johnny or a female counterpart is planned for the time being. Johnny wouldn’t be used in the brewery either for the time being. And Johnny should also be given carnival time off. That would be far too narrow and crowded.

As fun as working with the service robot may be, there is a serious reason: the search for personnel.

Früh is looking for new employees in almost all areas. There are currently 40 open positions.

Service robots are being used more and more frequently in the catering industry. For example, similar robots drive around in some sushi shops in Cologne – or in the hotel lobby in the Hilton. Now they have also found their way into the classic Cologne brewery restaurant.

A German provider of such concepts is, for example, EnergieReich Consulting GmbH in Mainz. However, these robots are not that cheap. The “HolaBot” model, which is also used in the morning, is sold by another provider in the Netherlands for just under 13,000 euros.

Von Matthias Trzeciak

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The original for this article “Kölner Brauhaus cannot find staff and is therefore taking unusual measures” comes from