Drunk passenger slaps flight check in service is short and small after having caught the fog
Drunk passenger slaps flight check in service is short and small after having caught the fog

A man has to be at the airport in Moscow, his flight and missed it because he was too long in the bar and had a number of years. Drunk and angry, he put next to the check-in desk to pieces. It didn’t take long for a few of the screeners of him, came to fetch it. The spokesman said the airport had later known that the police and the man was arrested for. He is accused of hooliganism, disturbing public order and destruction of the equipment.

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see also:

the Wife going completely crazy after a flight to be missed: the computers in the customer service department, need to believe

Drunk, most airline passengers are going to quite ranting at passengers, and even begins to twerken: in the picture, but as much as you want.
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