Michael Evans was on Monday, the happiness is more than ever at his side. The British have had on the A5 to Tamworth just to do with traffic at a standstill. As a truck driver, who was behind him, drove away, got the main bottle-neck is, however, much too late into the holes and drove it in hard on the car. A dashcam Evans was a terrible accident record.
for something to be filmed on the road? If you have dashcambeelden to verkeer@nieuwsblad.be
The impact and fell much better than the pictures suggest. Evans got away with back pain, whether it is in the back of the car is completely destroyed. The truck had a lot of scuffs. “I don’t know why the driver didn’t see traffic stopped,” said Evans after the event. “He came from Poland, so there was a language barrier.” Eventually, the local police and on-the-spot in order to make the necessary findings to do so.
< / P>see also:
the Driver’s turn out it doesn’t work right and caused a spectacular accident
Tailgating will lead to “snelweggevecht” heavy braking for no reason, and to the right to overtake on the highway
the Aggressive driver to give a cyclist the high, low, and come away
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