Digital Pact to Continue to disagree
Digital Pact to Continue to disagree

After all, the Federation and the Länder are agreed that the digital Pact must be timely. However, the Commonality ends there. Because about the How the negotiating partners who have negotiated the Pact on a modified basis, for the second Time in a laborious collusion, factional than ever. Not even within countries there is clarity about it. Because in the Berlin coalition agreement, a fundamental change in the law to the condition of the digital Pact was made, took advantage of the Opposition in the Bundestag the Chance to be as far-reaching rights of Intervention of the Federal government in the Federal education responsibilities to enforce, because the intended lifting of the ban on Cooperation not consensus was capable of.

the Union-governed countries encounter more than the social-democratically governed. In the case of the Prime Minister, the rejection was the amendment of the basic law, the mediation Committee of the Bundestag and the Federal Council was called. The Ministers of culture of the countries of the Union would come to the digital Pact and preferably without amendment of the basic law, and have also submitted proposals. The SPD-Ministers of culture of fear less the Encroachments of the Federal government in its land policies than the half of the co-financing of all future projects. The financial weak countries do not see themselves in the situation.

in view of this situation, the Ministers of education have waived right to insist that the agreement on the digital Pact to sign. Finally, the Constitution is the legal basis remains unclear. As the Prime Minister of the Union have made very fundamental concerns, is not to be expected that the conciliation Committee comes to a quick result. The schools will therefore at the earliest in the summer of next year, money for computers or Laptops. More than 25000 Euro per school year are already in the next five years. So no big jumps. The countries should take advantage of the time now, with the municipalities as school owners, to communicate about who is actually for the repair and maintenance of the IT responsible. The duration of tasks for which the digital Pact anyway not suitable.