Diaz on the ERTE we have Not created a system of protection for dropping it
Diaz on the ERTE we have Not created a system of protection for dropping it

ABCPALMA OF MALLORCA Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The minister of Work and Social Economy of the Government of Spain, Yolanda Diaz, has referred this Saturday in the Balearic islands to the figure of the Record Regulation of Temporary Employment (ERTE), arguing that “the national Executive has not established a system of protection for drop” . As has informed the minister Diaz this Saturday at a press conference at the Consolat de Mar, “this Government wants to move a message of peace of mind to enterprises and workers in these Islands”, recalling that “they have spent more than 579 million euros to the Balearic islands”.

“We will continue to capsizing with this autonomous community, because businesses need certainty and hope. We have not deployed a system of protection -in relation to the ERTE – to let it drop now because it would not be correct nor economically suitable,” he added. In this line, has emphasized that “the system implemented by the Government has saved more than 550,000 companies and to 3.4 million workers in Spain”, according to Efe.

If well, has recognized the minister Díaz, “the Balearic islands presented in the present negative figures”, recalling that “in the society of the balearic islands, still 140,000 people remain STRONG, and that is that it takes longer to reactivate the workers”. On the other hand, the minister Diaz has wanted to also put a value on the bonus to the fixed discontinuous, recalling that “it is the only measure that has been extended to the 31 of December”.

In this sense, has assured, “work will be done to avoid that the fixed-discontinuous are not left without social protection for not having an actual period of occupancy by not having tourist campaign”. “What says the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, about that nobody is left behind are not words, are the facts, as demonstrated this Saturday in the Balearic islands”, he said.

Finally, the minister has announced that the team from the Ministry of Work and Social Economy, together with the Table of Social Dialogue in Spain will be moved to the end of August or the beginning of next month of September to the Balearic islands. In this regard, he explained that “the goal is to share an agenda of intense work to succeed in the labour market measures and economic that accompany this autonomous community”.

Also, it has been considered that this shared agenda will be “key” to “social agents aware of ‘in situ’ the specificity of the Balearic islands that has nothing to do with the other communities”, thus demonstrating to be aware the minister of the “uniqueness” of the archipelago. All in all, has been pointed out that this announcement was made in response to the need of the Ministry and the social partners to maintain the tripartite commission “is going to be convening this month of August to go analyzing sector-by-sector, economy by economy and community by community,” the situation following the pandemic of the COVID-19.

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