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Denis Brogniart would not be the ideal son-in-law he seems. His abusive behavior towards some of his colleagues has been singled out. In the magazine Here is Friday January 27, 2023, several hosts dared to come out of silence to denounce the inappropriate behavior of the presenter of Koh-Lanta. The scenes described are very violent. Three sports journalists have therefore assured revealed how much they had suffered from the abusive behavior of Denis Brogniart. One of them, having worked with the flagship host of TF1 d’Automoto, would have confided to his colleagues, in private, that their collaboration was “the worst memory of his career”.

Faced with accusations from several former collaborators of Denis Brogniart claimed to have had “traumatic experiences” as part of their professional experience with him. Faced with these revelations, which he did not deny, the famous host apologized. “I am very committed, a perfectionist and during two live broadcasts on TF1, where the pressure is very intense, I had words that went beyond my thoughts, comments that offended some people and I regret it”, recognized Denis Brogniart.

Faced with the multiple accusations against him, Denis Brogniart tried to justify himself. “Nothing justifies my behavior, which followed certain difficulties. These isolated facts do not reflect the privileged relationships based on respect and benevolence that I maintain with the technical and editorial teams of the programs in which I have participated for 30 years” , wanted to insist the host of Koh-Lanta. “I would like to apologize to those who I may have hurt,” however entrusted the host.

Behaviors that were not ignored within the TF1 channel. According to the investigation revealed by Here, the “humiliating anger” of which the host of Koh-Lanta is “capable” in public, “especially with women”, was already known within the chain according to the confidences of a manager TF1 union quoted by the magazine. Asked this Friday, January 27 by Le Parisien about the “Denis Brogniart” problem, Thierry Thuillier, TF1’s news boss, admitted having had “lifts” after an incident that occurred in Biscarrosse on July 14, 2022 on the sidelines of live with the soldiers of the French army. The daily reveals that an investigation was also carried out at its request by the group’s HR department.

According to him, beyond the anger of Denis Brogniart, “the most visible” incident during this filming, the investigations would have revealed “several problems” within the teams that day, due to “undersized” means. “I had an interview with Denis. We said things to each other. For me, the subject is closed”, assures Thierry Thuillier. He ensures that the presenter is not removed from the antenna “to date”. A union representative, for his part, assures that the management would have “handed him a soap” and that the management is monitoring him but that it has had “no feedback for seven months concerning him”.