Demonstrations in France Rotschals call for end to riots
Demonstrations in France Rotschals call for end to riots

According to the eleventh protest Saturday, the “yellow West” in a row have demonstrated on Sunday in Paris the French for tolerance, freedom and the protection of democracy. They wore as a distinguishing mark a red scarf. The demonstrators marched with banners such as “stop the violence!” or “stop, enough!” from the place of the Nation to the place of the Bastille. The “Rotschals” had also joined a number of MPs of the government party La République en marche (LREM). More than 50 deputies from the ruling party have been threatened in the past few weeks, and suffered property damage to their members ‘ offices, or private homes. The LREM-MP Sylvain Maillard said, the protests of the “yellow West” should stop now. It was time to participate in the President Emmanuel Macron initiated national debate.

Michaela Wiegel

Political correspondent, based in Paris.

F. A. Z.

The idea of the counter-movement goes back to the 51-year-old aviation engineer Laurent Soulié from Toulouse. “We don’t want to be as an opponent of the ,yellow the West’ is perceived. We want to alert the French, where the excesses and acts of violence may result, in ten weeks,“ said Soulié in an interview with radio station Europe 1. The protests of the “yellow West” have led France in a cul-de-SAC. Soulié had chosen in 2017, Emmanuel Macron, and its movement is connected. The aerospace engineer, said he had received countless threats over the Internet, but is determined to defend his ideas. He will not be controlled by Macron, but that was about the extent of hatred and destruction sincerely worried. It is an endeavour to defend the liberties of all citizens. The “silent majority” of French people had tired of it, to be every Saturday Again with images of senseless property damage, of face, said Soulié.