resim 1321
resim 1321

After the strike day on Thursday March 23, the inter-union called for demonstrations on Tuesday March 28, for a tenth day of mobilization against the pension reform. According to a note from territorial intelligence, consulted by our colleagues from Le Parisien, this day of demonstrations should have “a physiognomy similar to that of March 23 in terms of blockages, strikes, but also clashes and degradations”.

The mobilization on Thursday March 23, a week after the use of 49.3 by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, saw a renewed commitment. 3.5 million demonstrators marched across the country according to the unions, 1.08 million according to the Ministry of the Interior.

For the day of Tuesday March 28, territorial intelligence estimates that the various gatherings on French territory could bring together between 650,000 and 900,000 people. In addition, “the subject of repression and police violence, widely taken up by elected officials and in many media, could crystallize the anger of young people. They could then be many more numerous to take part in the actions initiated on March 28.”

Demonstrations will be held all over France, in more than 200 municipalities:

For all other cities and towns, the assembly points and times are indicated on the CFDT mobilization map.

The interprofessional mobilization of March 28 will affect several professional sectors. What are the disruptions to expect for this tenth episode of protest against the pension reform?