Demo in Stuttgart Yes to the Diesel
Demo in Stuttgart Yes to the Diesel

At Stuttgart Neckartor demonstrated on Saturday afternoon, more than 700 citizens against driving bans for older diesel vehicles. It was the second Demonstration of a private Initiative, which had called for the green-and-black government issued driving bans for Euro-4 vehicles in baden-württemberg, the country of the skin to defend the city. The protesters chanted minutes, “Hermann road” and “lies” pack. Winfried Hermann (Green) is the baden-württemberg Minister of transport; he sees driving bans as an entry in the “organic Traffic”. The word “lie pack” – it was also used by the opponents of the railway project Stuttgart 21 – selected some of the protesters also because the lung specialist doctors Martin Hetzel and Dieter Köhler criticized in a broadcast of the NDR, the limit value for oxides of nitrogen, at 40 micrograms per cubic metre – as scientifically questionable.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

the Stuttgart demonstrators, many workers in the plants of Daimler in Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen, and numerous employees of Porsche, as well as from the works of the world’s largest automotive supplier Bosch. While on the first Demonstration Transparent the Stuttgart CDU were to see, the organisers are now of great value to the party-political independence. In addition, the district Chairman of the Stuttgart CDU, German Bundestag member, Stefan Kaufmann had advised against, by a participation of his party, because the Demonstration was “disproportionate”, because they could cause traffic jams. The Demonstration on Saturday led to slow traffic, but not to a jam, temporarily out of town were blocked two lanes. On posters and stickers, eco-terrorism:””, “stops Green Jobkiller” and “stop the Deutsche umwelthilfe” (DUH). This is the environmental organization with lawsuits in many German cities, the bans in the courts.

criticism of the point of measurement and scientific results

“We demonstrate here against the diesel driving ban, this event impartially. Each party stay away, no matter whether left or right, or whether it is in the middle,“ said one of the speakers of the Initiative. Nikolaus Sauer, a speaker who had shown the country the Minister of transport because of the allegedly faulty installation of the measuring point at the Neckartor unsuccessful, said in his speech to the protesters: “Neither the measurement point is at the Neckartor in order, still there are Dead and Sick due to the nitrogen oxide burden.” He said it’ll help anything, if a politician is a qualifying critical physicians denigrated. The protesters replied to Call this statement with a loud “Herman way, Hermann way”. Because the Minister of transport had expressed in the NDR program in this sense, the criticism of the doctors.

According to the city of Stuttgart there are at least 16 applications for more demonstrations in the next few weeks. At least a third of the protesters wore yellow vests, because they wanted to show clearly their attachment to the French “gilets jaunes”movement. Among the protesters are also many supporters of the AfD and the right-wing works Council grouping “centre automobile”, but also many citizens from the middle of society, such as, for example, the sales Manager, Adrienne Strong: “I have lived some years in Beijing, because my husband was there Manager for BMW, Yes, there is a Problem with dirty air, but not with us. But we have nothing Better to do than to make our industry broken. We live, however, all of the auto industry.“ An employee of Siemens agreed with her and said: “If the car is tilting the mobile industry, then there is strong turbulence. Then it will not give in many villages, for example on the Swabian Alb, in which all key suppliers of seats, once again a doctor.“