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A flight attendant reported the cat’s’screaming for her life’

The crew was horrified to learn that a woman had started to breastfeed a cat on a recent Delta Air Lines flight.

An attendant on board the aircraft sent a message via the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, (ACARS), to inform the crew that the person in seat 13A was breastfeeding a cat and would not return the cat’s carrier to the flight attendant upon request.

ACARS requested that Delta’s Red Coat team, a group designated “customer service experts”, greet the woman on arrival at Atlanta.

Fox News’ Trace Gallagher reported that the flight attendant later took to social media to provide more details of the incident, where she recalled, “This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby…her shirt was up and she was trying to get the cat to latch and she wouldn’t put the cat back in the carrier.”

The flight attendant stated that the cat was “screaming for its life.”

It is not clear if the Red Coat team confronted her. The incident is reported as occurring on Nov. 13. Delta Air Lines didn’t respond to FOX Business’ request for comment.