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resim 131

Earth’s lungs will survive a little longer. On the night of Monday 5 to Tuesday 6 December 2022, a historic agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Member States of the European Union.

After a law adopted on September 14, 2022, the fight against deforestation will now be able to move forward. Indeed, this new text seeks to tighten import regulations by requiring “companies to verify and publish a ‘due diligence’ statement that their goods sold in the EU have not contributed to deforestation or degradation of forests anywhere in the world,” reads a press release from the European Parliament.

The purpose of this measure is to ban the import of all products that have contributed to deforestation. This new law “would thus guarantee to European consumers that the products they buy do not contribute to the destruction or degradation of forests, in particular irreplaceable tropical forests”.

This European Union decision also aims to impose additional requirements for the respect of human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples. “We have ensured that the rights of indigenous peoples, our first allies in the fight against deforestation, are effectively protected,” said rapporteur Christophe Hansen.

Within the framework of this law, several products or raw materials are targeted because they are identified for actively participating in deforestation. Thus, discover in our slideshow all of those that can no longer be imported into the European Union if they do not respect the forest… And therefore less easy to find in your supermarkets.