Deficiencies in anti money laundering Ex Baer CEO Collardi in the crosshairs of the judiciary
Deficiencies in anti money laundering Ex Baer CEO Collardi in the crosshairs of the judiciary

Deficiencies in anti-money laundering – Ex-Baer CEO Collardi in the sights of JustizDie Zurich’s public Prosecutor is due to several Manager of the Bank Julius Baer active. The Bank should be under your leadership in a whirlpool with dubious customers.0 comment to Boris Collardi, the former CEO of Bank Julius Baer.Photo: Walter Bieri/Keystone

In the case of Julius Baer, the former group chief Executive Boris Collardi device is now in the crosshairs of justice. The Zurich public Prosecutor is due to Collardi and other managers of the Bank active.

“Based on an anonymous tip in February of clarification, whether or not a start condition exists suspicion for the criminal to fail to run in the Zurich public Prosecutor’s office in advance,” confirmed a spokesman for the justice on Friday, a report by the industry portal “Inside Paradeplatz”.

not Yet a criminal case against Collardi, and other active or former employees is, therefore, to have been the end of Julius Baer opens. The presumption of innocence applies.

Under Boris Collardi, now a Partner in Pictet, the Geneva-based private Bank, had Julius Baer is expanding rapidly and was apparently in the maelstrom with dubious customers. Some four months ago, the private Bank had been overtaken by her past. The Swiss financial market Supervisory authority (Finma) found in the case of Bank of the severe deficiencies in the money laundering.

“Who is Who” of the alleged bribe-receiver

Julius Baer is a failure, from 2009 until the beginning of 2018 for the testing of dangerous customers, “fully”, complained the Finma. The complained of misconduct, and were thus in the time of the previous CEO Collardi. And the Finma stated at the time also, you will check “in a second step, whether or not proceedings against individual opened people” would.

The list of Finma read like a “who’s who” of the alleged bribe-receiver, the received at the Bank “asylum”: officials of the football Association, Fifa, as well as Venezuelan officials and elites, to have exempted the state oil company PDVSA.

it was Like only a few days ago, known, Julius Baer is also because of another money laundering Case in the visor of the Finma. The authority is conducting an Enforcement procedure in the case of an Argentinean entrepreneur against the Zurich-based Bank.

(SDA /aru)

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