Decision making in Brussels EU says planned Brexit special meeting
Decision making in Brussels EU says planned Brexit special meeting

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The Brexit Poker is coming to a head: At the EU summit in Brussels, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, no new proposals for resolving the contentious Ireland-question. The rest of the EU has now made good on her threat: The scheduled for November special summit at which the Brexit-the agreement should be decided at the last Minute, is for the time being, cancelled. This applies until the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, “reporting significant progress” in the negotiations. This would have the heads of state and head of government on Wednesday evening at the summit Dinner in Brussels decided, said EU diplomats.

Previously, May had set out in a 15-minute speech, the Position of the British government. They have said, however, “in terms of content, nothing New,” such as the EU-said President Antonio Tajani, who was at the Meeting also present. The Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, expressed later a similar view: “Much of what she told us, was known to us,” he said of Mays appearance.

Then the Prime Minister had to go, so that their counterparts could advise during the Dinners, in the further course of action. In the case of mushrooms from the pan and put in the wheat beer boiled turbot, they decided then that the plans for the November summit for the time being to suspend.

Good mood alone is not

is enough, Although as confirmed by May”, that has the clear will to bring about a solution,” complained the British Prime Minister agreed Shortly. Tajani wants to have identified with her, even a “positive body language”, the mood was better than at the September summit in Salzburg.

May, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

Good mood but not enough – has made the EU now. You have said in Salzburg clear that a special summit in November is only useful if the Brexit-Deal stand in the October almost, it was called in EU circles. This is clearly not the case.

On the sidelines of the summit May several Four-eyes had conversations. According to diplomats met with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Council President Donald Tusk, Ireland’s head of government, Leo Varadkar, and France’s President, Emmanuel Macron. But also apparently could not change the assessment of the EU that progress is too slow.

The main point of contention continues to be the Ireland question. Because the British government wants from the EU customs Union and the single market to emerge, would have to emerge between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is actually a new frontier with people and goods.

to prevent this, have agreed in Brussels and London in December 2017 on a catch-all solution: it Should be found in the negotiations no answer to the Irish question, Northern Ireland, for all practical purposes in the internal market and the customs Union of the EU. The customs border would then have to be shifted to the Irish sea.

The British government sees in this so-called Backstop but in the meantime, an attack on the unity of the United Kingdom. The EU wants to prevent, however, necessarily, that there is in Ireland a hard border that could endanger the good Friday agreement of 1998 and the peace process in the former war-torn country.

Vid eoumfrage in London: “Please, not Europe, thinks that May is the whole of the UK”


After all, it was on Wednesday evening, apparently at least a small progress: May, according to diplomats from the two EU countries from the requirement to be moved away to limit the catch-all solution for Northern Ireland in time. You’ve recognised in respect of other heads of state and government, that the Backstop could have no time limit, as this would go against the idea of an “insurance policy”. Thus, May and the other heads of state and government are agreed that the Backstop needs to access, if no other solution is found, and that he remains so long in force, until this is the case.

could look Like such a final solution, however, is still unclear. Instead, there were slogans. “I go in with the spirit of the thing, to try everything to find an Agreement”, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he was “cautiously optimistic” that they’ll reach a Deal. The EU heads of state and government called on EU negotiators Barnier at the summit, “to try to reach an agreement”. May announced, in turn, to find a “creative way out of this Dilemma”.