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Mylène Demongeot is no more. This December 1, 2022, the actress died at the age of 87 following a long illness.

In August 2021, the talented actress confided in Planet about her peritoneal cancer, which occurred in 2019. When she thought she was in remission, she suffered a recurrence. “I went to the hospital for a routine check-up, telling myself that my stomach was swelling a little and I didn’t like it too much. On the spot, I was told that the disease had come to an end its muzzle again. It should come as no surprise because it seems that it sleeps in the organism and that it sometimes repoints for one reason or another. So I am in the process of reprocessing all that even if it’s not fun to do that in August. However, it allows me to take time to read, a lot of time to think and reflect, “she told us.

This force of nature already explained to us in 2020 that he was close to death after being infected with Covid-19. The star who “nearly died” had felt very tired and then abnormally short of breath: “First to be tired, then to be very short of breath. No particular reason to be very short of breath. Then all of a sudden to have a terrible fever. It was the fever that made me call my cardiologist to tell him that I have 39.5. He told me to immediately call 15 and that’s what I did,” she told us.

Hospitalized for two weeks in the hospital, the actress had finally decided to seek treatment through chloroquine. “I couldn’t be put in an artificial coma because I wouldn’t survive it,” she said and added: “I continue to support Professor Raoult. When he says that people have to be treated as soon as the beginning and not the end, it seems so obvious to me”.

Mylène Demongeot was one of the leading actresses of French cinema with her films Les Sorcières de Salem, Fantômas, Camping and The Three Musketeers.

Planet invites you to rediscover his most beautiful shots throughout his career.