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resim 25

The city where there are the most cinemas, the village where there is only one inhabitant, the town with the most burglaries… Each city has its own more or less glorious record. In our slideshow below, you can check out our selection of the cities that hold the most impressive and unusual records. Some rankings, for their part, will select the cities according to the happiness of their inhabitants. This is the case of the barometer of towns and villages where life is good, relayed by Le Journal du Dimanche in January 2022. Is your municipality one of them?

Here is the ranking of the cities where it is good to live in France:

Although they are not in the top 10, there are however a few cities in the Ile-de-France region in the top 50: Levallois-Perret (37th place), Courbevoie (38th place), Boulogne-Billancourt (40th place), Nogent-sur- Marne (44th) or Versailles (45th place).

Here is the ranking of the villages, i.e. less than 2000 inhabitants, where we live best: