Daddys 14 year old daughter protests after thehonor killing in Iran
Daddys 14 year old daughter protests after thehonor killing in Iran

Daddy’s 14-year-old daughter protests after the”honor killing” in Iran to An Iranian father beheaded his daughter after this was burned with an older man. The murder provides a country-wide sensation, and could trigger legal reforms. 0 comment paid because of her by her father, forbidden love to a man with the life of The Iranian woman, Romina A. photo: Twitter

triggered A murder of a 14-Year-old in Iran has country-wide violent protests. According to the state news Agency IRNA President Hassan Rouhani called in a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday for stricter laws.

your father had killed the 14-year-old Romina A. in the city of Talesch on the Caspian sea. She had fallen in love, according to Reports, in a man – according to various media figures 34 or 35 years old, and was burned with him, after the father had spoken out against marriage. A few days later, the girl was found and brought to a police post. Although she had expressed her fear of a return to the father, apparently, was this to bring her back home.

In the night of last Thursday, the father beheaded his daughter with a sickle. According to Iranian media, left, the father reports with the sickle in the Hand of the house, and placed in the police a confession.

The Iranian law in supposedly in the name of honour committed the murder of close Relatives, only a “Diya” – a compensation payment to the family members of the victim – as well as a prison sentence not exceeding ten years. Usually, the death penalty or life imprisonment on murder in Iran.

Stricter laws required

In social media, outraged many Iranians about the fact. At the same time they protested against the government and the judiciary, have failed in the 41 years since the Islamic Revolution, to change the relevant laws.

Ruhanis women’s representative Massumeh Ebtekar wrote on Twitter, they hope that in the future, the laws reformed in this respect, and the perpetrators are punished. Even the conservative justice wants to investigate the case in a special court.


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