CSU retreat in the monastery of Seeon Seehofer wants to present a proposal for efficient removals
CSU retreat in the monastery of Seeon Seehofer wants to present a proposal for efficient removals

the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to present in this month, a legislative proposal for faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers. His Ministry was working on a Constitution, a fixed law of change for more effective deportation, which he would present to the experts of the Grand coalition in January, said Seehofer on Thursday before the start of the closed meeting of the CSU land group in the monastery of Seeon in front of journalists. Then will have to see what the coalition could communicate.

How to Seehofer said, is currently being tested in his Ministry, whether the consequences of the alleged Assault of asylum seekers were in the Bavarian town of Amberg at passers-by needed. Should as a result of this case law tightening be necessary, he will propose to you in January.

“armed bores and strife sucks”

at the beginning of the traditional winter retreat, the Bavarian Prime Minister and President-designate CSU expressed its Chairman, Markus Söder, and announced for 2019 a constructive cooperation with the sister party of the CDU within the Grand coalition.

Söder said, the CSU would have to show that “we are a strong and constructive Partner”. He added: “the dispute paralyzes, dispute, bored and armed sucks.” At the same time, underscore Söder, the CSU can line up wide and societal changes needed to respond. The party had to be younger, more female, and more open.