Crisis in France Even in the resignation of Macrons is talking
Crisis in France Even in the resignation of Macrons is talking

Crisis in France, Even in the withdrawal Macrons geredetDer President is inserted in the terminal: The Coronavirus is almost defeated, but the economy is on the floor. And, now, the Protest swells.Nadia Pantel from Paris0 KommentareDie images are similar to those from the United States: demonstrations against the French police. Photo: Christian Hartmann/Reuters

The extent of the crisis can also be used on the basis of the Dimension of the rumors measure. The conservative daily “Le Figaro” wrote this week, French President Emmanuel Macron to think about a resignation, to allow early elections, as the winner, he can see himself. By this maneuver he wanted to secure the support of the French. The rumor was so widely discussed that the Elysée Palace saw a need for a disclaimer: The resignation of the President had been no time for debate.

That France is facing a turning point, denies, however, no one. The spread of the Coronavirus curb, had been the country’s public life and the economy for eight weeks, from mid-March to mid-may, paralyzed. The new beginning is now to select a speech to the Nation: President Macron will turn out on Sunday evening in a direct transfer to the population. In theory, Macron could use the opportunity to congratulate the French people and yourself.

The pandemic is “under control”

On Wednesday had declared the scientific Advisory Board officially that a pandemic was “under control”. The medical state of emergency, a specially Covid-19-made Form of a state of emergency, is not about the 10. July also be extended. It was speculated a few weeks ago, that the schools could only be opened again in September, are measures hygienic precautions already next week, to significantly shut down. More and more students return to their classrooms. And on France’s beaches, it was until the middle of may for two months not at all enter, collect the bathers, without it, would have alarmed Outcry of virologists.

But the focus has shifted for a long time. In his first televised address after he had prescribed for the country, a strict curfew, said Macron, the Virus of the “war”. Now, where it acts as the enemy to be defeated at least to some extent, the massive collateral damage to the field of view. France’s economy is expecting a drop of at least 11 percent. Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire expects that 800’000 French lose by the end of the year your Job.

Comes under pressure from all sides: the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Photo: Reuters

Macrons first successes, the fall in unemployment and increasing investments have been made by Corona to nothing. Even now, the Army supplies know that they can be the new rush to meet. The emergency relief organization, Secours Populaires to provide their food expenditure alone, between mid-March and mid-may, 45 percent more people than before.

at the same time find the protests against racism and police violence, which was attended by the murder of George Floyd’s in the US, in France a massive Echo. In spite of the due to Corona current demonstration prohibition and, since 2. June in the whole country, tens of thousands of people on the street gone. The movement is supported above all by young people who declare themselves in solidarity with the concerns of black Americans, at the same time, however, abuses in France charges.

The interior Minister sees the term “police violence” as an assault on the Dignity of the officials.

The weapons Arsenal of the French police in the criticism, since dozens of demonstrators in the protests of the yellow West, the light in their eyes have lost. Anti-racist organisations have denounced also brutal festival took techniques, which are used particularly frequently in the case of non-white French.

France’s interior Minister Christophe Castaner under the further application of a Stranglehold said on Monday, but stressed that the term “police violence” is an attack on the Dignity of the officials. On Saturday, a further large demonstration of solidarity with international Black-Lives-Matter-movement is planned in Paris. In the centre is likely to stand the Statue of Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s (1619-1683) before the national Assembly sits.

founded France’s colonial policy: Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Photo: Reuters

Colbert had established as Minister of Finance under king Louis XIV of France, the colonial policy. On Colbert, the “Code noir goes back”, a law, the Black dehumanized and the legal basis of slavery on France’s sugar plantations formed. The honorary President of the Association of black organizations in France, called Colbert the “enemy of freedom, equality and fraternity”. Activists are calling for the overthrow of Colbert from his pedestal.

Macron’s called racism a disease

Macron had called in his time as a presidential candidate in the French colonialism is a “crime against humanity”, to the recent racism debate he weigh so far, but welded. The government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye, he had to announce on Wednesday only, he does not think that racism is “a disease that affects the whole of society”. It is important, however, that the forces of order “would not be drawn in the Dirt”.

Of Macrons speech to the Nation is now expected, he speaks both to the social unrest as well as economic misery. In addition, it is speculated about what policies he would propose over and above the analysis of the Situation. So he could order a reshuffle in the government.

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