Crimea crisis Putin does not allow free Ukrainian sailors
Crimea crisis Putin does not allow free Ukrainian sailors

In the crisis in Ukraine has rejected Russia’s claims of Germany and France for the release of Ukrainian seamen. The calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron are unacceptable, the Russian foreign Ministry at the weekend on its website.

Merkel and Macron had on Friday stressed in a joint statement, the human rights situation on the Russian-annexed Crimea and the use of military violence by Russia in the Kerch Strait is very disturbing. Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz called for an Interview with the “Rheinische Post” progress in the peace process in Ukraine. Only then the EU should reduce the sanctions against Russia step of the way.

Russian border guard ships had at 25. November three Ukrainian marine boats applied at the entrance to the sea of Azov and seized. The crews – a total of 24 Ukrainian sailors were imprisoned. Ukraine said a military Aggression. Russia said, the Ukrainian vessels had illegally entered Russian territorial waters.

Putin: Against the seamen is determined

The Russian President Vladimir Putin explained to Merkel in a telephone conversation that the seafarers will be determined and in accordance with Russian law would be treated, told the news Agency RIA, citing a spokesman for the Russian government.

Austria’s head of government said Short, a first step for peace in Eastern Ukraine could be a real cease-fire. “I worked as a foreign Minister, as the then foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier proposed the gradual abolition of sanctions, specifically, on progress in Eastern Ukraine to make,” he said of the “Rheinische Post” It have given a lot to little movement in the past few months. “Also, Kiev needs to have a serious interest in progress.” Austria has until the end of the year the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Meanwhile, Putin signaled his American counterpart Donald Trump in a new year to write its willingness to dialogue. He was willing to discuss a “wide-ranging Agenda,” said the Kremlin. Putin also new year’s greetings sent to other world leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping.