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Geared up for winter? As autumn enters its first week of the year, cases of Covid-19 contamination are becoming more and more numerous. The causes ?

Back to work and school, the mixing of populations and the cold, because with the change in temperature “People are more locked up so there is more transmission”, explains Valentin Galland, nurse, to FranceInfo. Letting predict a difficult winter and an eighth wave in the middle of the season.

The numbers speak for themselves. According to data from 25/09 from Public Health France, there would be:

A progression that could be worrying, with the return of sanitary measures… or not. Some departments seem well equipped to cope with winter and the epidemic rebound. The reason for this assurance? Their vaccination rate (person having received at least one dose) is higher than the national average of 81.44% as of September 23, 2022.

Barrier gestures, wearing a mandatory mask… This part of the territory could well escape it, if one day these measures were to be put in place.

Is your department one of them? To find out, Planet has produced the slideshow below which lists them, according to Covid-Tracker.