resim 476
resim 476

This Monday, October 24, the Health Risk Watch and Anticipation Committee (Covars) published its report on the current situation with regard to Covid-19. The scientists’ analysis shows a moderate 8th wave, with, lately, a decrease in contamination, as reported by Santé Magazine.

The mild weather would have its role to play in the weak nature of this umpteenth wave. However, France is not immune to the arrival of a new variant, with the small name of BQ.1.1. It currently represents a total of 15% of cases on the scale of the metropolitan territory, and nearly one in two cases in Ile-de-France.

The committee warns against the evolution of these sub-variants of Omicron which could change the game very quickly, especially since winter temperatures should soon sweep over the country, and risk considerably worsening the situation.

Experts therefore advise the government to continue promoting vaccination, encouraging the wearing of masks, and controlling air quality. They insisted in their report that the mask should remain the focal point on which efforts should be focused, as it remains the best instrument to fight against the spread of the virus, and therefore against the development of new variants. .

This 8th wave happens to be relatively territorialized. Indeed, despite the drop in the incidence rate nationwide in recent days, some departments are still experiencing a positive development in the number of hospitalized due to Covid-19. Planet has gathered for you the list of the 19 departments where this wave is not yet about to end, according to the government site.