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Occasions and response marking Prince Philip’s funeral:

WINDSOR, England — Countless people have lined the roads outside Windsor Castle to pay their respects to Prince Philip. Some held Union flags and clutched blossoms, while some had been observed wearing custom face masks including the royal photograph.

People poured from the town of Windsor on Saturday for the event, although street signs in the region cautioned against all non-essential journey.

While some expressed despair that the nation couldn’t completely commemorate Philip’s departure, other people stated the royal household were”setting an example” by restricting amounts.

“I am very torn about the steps. “Having a little event isn’t what they’d have desired but they’ll accommodate and honor (Philip) in their own manner,” he added.

Sasha Spicer, who wore a Union flag poncho, stated that she turned up to say”thanks for support to the nation and that we will miss you.”

“He was a wonderful role model and a person who was famous for his banter.

“The queen will miss him. . .they were best buddies.


Prince Philip is going to be recalled as a man of”courage, fortitude and religion” on Saturday, in a funeral which salutes both his service in the Royal Navy and also his service for Queen Elizabeth II more than three quarters of a century.

More coverage:

— Philip will soon be put to rest in Windsor Castle

— From Russia into Britain, Philip’s imperial ties spanned Europe

— Practice AP’s complete coverage of Prince Philip’s departure at https://apnews.com/hub/prince-philip


However, it is going to probably not be his long resting place.

The largest of seven interment websites within the chapel, the vault houses the remains of King George III, whose nearly six-decade reign included the decades of the American Revolution.

The vault has also become the temporary resting place for nearly 30 royals, such as Philip’s mother, Princess Andrew of Greece. Her remains were moved into the convent on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, in which they lie close to her aunt, Grand Duchess Serge of Russia.

His wife, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, along with daughter Princess Margaret were interred together with him once they expired in 2002.

Following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, she and Philip are anticipated to be buried at the Royal Burial Ground on the Frogmore Estate near Windsor Castle.


WINDSOR, England — Royal Marine Buglers have appeared the Royal Navy’s fight alert in honour of Prince Philip’s military support because his coffin was lowered in the Royal Vault at St. George’s Chapel inside Windsor Castle.

“Action Stations” is the bugle call that summons sailors for their articles in prep for conflict and it’s occasionally connected with naval funerals.

Philip, who took an active part in preparing his own funeral, asked the piece.

Philip, also referred to as the Duke of Edinburgh, served in the Royal Navy for over 12 decades and kept close ties to the armed forces during his lifetime. Service employees had large part in honoring him Saturday regardless of the presence limit.


WINDSOR, England — The place for Prince Philip’s funeral ceremony was packed with audiences at three imperial weddings in the past couple of decades, but on Saturday it had been a mostly empty space in agreement with coronavirus limitations.

The nave of St. George’s Chapel has been inhabited with only four sisters and a small number of musicians. The team was limited to 30 individuals, with everybody wearing face masks and socially distanced.

Queen Elizabeth II sat in her customary place in the quire of this chapel. Prince Andrew was nearest to the queen, at two chairs to her left.

Prince William and his wife Kate sat straight contrary Prince Harry, who went back into his home state from the U.S. with no pregnant wife Meghan.

Officials stated the flowers chosen for its ceremony were low-key, reflective of Philip’s no-fuss attitude. The queen picked white blossoms, little roses, freesia and other blossoms from the wreath on Philip’s coffin.


Following rigorous social distancing rules throughout the ordeal, the queen put an example even in despair, sitting apart from relatives arrayed across the church. Only 30 mourners are permitted to attend the ceremony at St. George’s on the grounds of Windsor Castle, in which the queen has protected from COVID-19.

Other royals that are in household bubbles are seated together.

The ceremony started with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby entering the chapel before the coffin, followed closely by Philip’s kids and three of the eight grandchildren, as a four-member choir sang”I am the resurrection and the life.”


WINDSOR, England — A bare-chested female protester who attempted to climb on a statue out Windsor Castle while Prince Philip’s funeral ceremony was happening Saturday was led away by authorities.

The protester cried”Save the planet!” As she conducted along a road beyond the castle in which members of the people were lined across the road for the event. She tried to climb on a statue of Queen Victoria.

The disturbance happened only after the audiences — and the remainder of the nation — observed a moment’s silence for Philip.

Police led off the protester soon after.


LONDON — Prince Harry’s spouse Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will probably be seeing Prince Philip’s funeral in the couple’s house in California since she’s pregnant with their second child rather than cleared for traveling by her physician, their spokesperson confirmed.

The wreath features blossoms including Bear’s breeches, the national flower of Greece to signify Philip’s legacy, and Sea Holly, to signify the Royal Marines.

The wreath also includes campanula for gratitude and eternal love, rosemary to signify remembrance, lavender for dedication, and roses in honour of June, Philip’s birth .

While not one of the older royals wore army uniforms to the funeral, Harry’s spokesperson says he’s sporting lots of honorary awards such as an Afghanistan Campaign trophy and one representing the Royal Victorian Order.

Harry’s spokesperson pointed into the royal shared army link with his or her grandfather.


LONDON — People across Britain have seen one minute of silence in honour of their late Prince Philip before his imperial ceremonial funeral obtained underway inside St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Philip, who had been consort to Queen Elizabeth II for 73 decades, died April 9, just two weeks shy of his 100th birthday.

His coffin, draped in his own regular and topped with a wreath of blossoms and his naval blade and cap have, came in St. George’s Chapel inside Windsor Castle.

Just 30 near relatives and friends will attend the ceremony, amid nationally restrictions made to impede the spread of COVID-19. Even though the proceedings are being broadcast live around the world, members of the populace will not have the ability to watch any portion of the procession or support in person due to the pandemic.


WINDSOR, England — Princes William and Harry did not line up shoulder to shoulder Saturday because they took their positions for the procession which will accompany Prince Philip’s coffin into the church for his funeral.

The arrangement minimized the odds of any embarrassing moments between the brothers, who’ve confronted breeds in their relationship because Harry’s choice to resign from royal duties this past year.

Harry, 36, and his wife, Meghan, last month gave an interview with U.S. television host Oprah Winfrey where they stated royal staffers were insensitive toward Meghan and an unidentified member of the royal household made racist remarks.


WINDSOR, England — Queen Elizabeth II has abandoned the Sovereign’s Entrance of Windsor Castle as members of their royal family get ready for the procession which will precede the funeral of Prince Philip.

The queen, followed with a lady-in waiting, wore a mask because she had been pushed in a Bentley which will carry her into St. George’s Chapel to the funeral of her husband of 73 decades.

Elizabeth has ever sought to put an example for the country throughout her long reign, and face coverings are needed in England under principles developed to impede the spread of COVID-19. The rules also indicate that just 30 relatives and close friends will probably be permitted to attend the funeral.


WINDSOR, England — Each the family members participating in the funeral procession for Prince Philip are wearing civilian clothing, not army uniforms, in agreement with the wishes of Queen Elizabeth II.

Ten members of the royal household, headed by Prince Charles and his sister, Princess Anne, are walking beneath the specially made Land Rover carrying the coffin on the eight-minute travel from the State Entry of Windsor Castle to St. George’s Chapel.

The choice to wear civilian clothing came amid worries that Prince Harry could have become the sole member of their household not in uniform throughout the funeral of his grandfather, who died a week at age 99.

Members of the royal household frequently wear pajamas to people occasions by virtue of the honorary roles together with the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, however Harry dropped his army names when he chose to give up frontline royal duties this past year.

The conclusion also sidestepped another possible controversy following reports that Prince Andrew believed wearing an admiral’s uniform into his dad’s funeral. Andrew keeps his army titles though he fell from grace after a devastating BBC discussion about his familiarity with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.


WINDSOR, England — Prince Philip’s coffin has emerged in the Condition Entry of Windsor Castle as people participate in the procession for his funeral accept their locations.

The coffin has been loaded on a specially adapted Land Rover, made by Philip himself, for its eight-minute travel to St. George’s Chapel. Old military commanders are lined up facing the automobile, together with members of their royal household following behind.

Queen Elizabeth II will ride at a country Bentley in the rear of the procession.


WINDSOR, England — countless troops have been marching to the grounds of Windsor Castle for the funeral of Prince Philip.

Over 700 servicemen and servicewomen in the army, navy, air force and marines would be to carry out ceremonial functions in the funeral procession, representing Philip’s Royal Navy ties and service with the army.

Regiments and components with hyperlinks to Philip will line the road as his coffin is carried to St. George’s Chapel for the funeral provider, while military bands will perform hymns and classical songs.


WINDSOR, England — Prince Philip’s coffin was transferred in the royal family’s private chapel in Windsor Castle into the castle’s Inner Hall before his funeral this day.

It had been transferred by a celebration of bearers in the Grenadier Guards military regiment and will lie at the hallway until the funeral procession starts before 3 p.m.

The coffin will be hauled on a specially made Land Rover into St. George’s Chapel, where Philip is going to soon be put to rest at the Royal Vault.

Due to coronavirus constraints only 30 mourners will attend to the funeral provider, such as Queen Elizabeth II, her four children and her grandchildren.


WINDSOR, England — Britain’s royal family has published a montage of pictures from memory of Prince Philip, put to a poem by Poet Laureate Simon Armitage.

“Patriarchs — An Elegy” recalls Philip as a member of a generation that”fought enemies that are Greek, finagled triumphs in sea together with flaming decoy ships, and side-stepped torpedoes” — references to his wartime naval support.

Armitage, whose occupation would be to compose poems for important national events, salutes those”husbands to obligation… Great-grandfathers from arrival, in time they became equally internal core and outer instance at a family heirloom of nesting dolls”

The royal family published a record of Armitage studying the poem, followed by images of Prince Philip throughout the years, shape infancy to older age, before his funeral in Windsor Castle on Saturday.


His loved ones were equally too wide, together with Britain’s longest-serving consort connected by marriage and blood to the majority of the continent’s imperial homes.

It is in that densely property in the base of a hill north of Athens which Philip’s dad, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, stays buried. The Tatoi estate placed the royal summer house along with also the imperial cemetery, dotted with all the tombs of Philip’s relatives: kings and queens of Greece, princes and princesses of Denmark, grand duchesses of both Russia as well as a distant relative of Napoleon Bonaparte.


PORT STANLEY, Falkland Islands — A memorial ceremony was held at the capital of the Falkland Islands on Friday to mark the departure of Prince Philip after his death last week at age 99.

Members of this local authorities, army citizens and officials attended the event that occurred in Christ Church cathedral in the middle of Port Stanley.

A variety of photographs of both visits were on display from the church, just revealing a grinning Philip alongside sailors put beside a single-lit candle.

Islanders in presence paid tribute to his irascible character, recounting tales of his trip, which included winning a horse race and a fishing excursion with occupants.