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God save the King. Becoming king on the death of his mother in September 2022, Charles III was officially crowned this Saturday, May 6, 2023, with his wife Camilla. During a two-hour ceremony, Elizabeth II’s eldest son was sworn in, anointed, cheered by the crowd and crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury. After him, it was Camilla who was anointed and crowned in her turn.

The first highlight of the day had taken place minutes earlier with the royal procession, when King Charles III left Buckingham Palace for Westminster Abbey. A moment during which he greeted the crowd present in the streets of London, alongside Camilla. A second procession took place after the coronation, for the royal family to return to Buckingham Palace. This time, the British royal couple took their place in the golden coach, followed by the eminent members of the “Firm”, in other coaches.

The last highlight of the day took place at Buckingham Palace at 3:15 p.m., with the appearance on the balcony of the active members of the royal family. For the first time after their coronation, King Charles III and Queen Camilla came to greet a large crowd. Alongside them were the Prince and Princess of Wales and their three children George, Charlotte and Louis. The king’s little brothers, Prince Edward, as well as his sister Anne, were also present on the balcony. Absent from the family photo, Prince Harry had still made the trip for the ceremony but, according to official information, he had to quickly return to the United States.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, here are the moments not to be missed during this coronation. Live or relive them in photos!