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The SVOD platform has just unveiled the first trailer for the new mini-series on the philanthropist Bernard Tapie, soon to be broadcast in France on Netflix from September 13, 2023 and composed of 7 episodes of 50 minutes. The series promises to tell the rise of Bernard Tapie through different moments of his life from 1960 to 1990. These first images did not go unnoticed, already arousing multiple criticisms.

In the cast of the series, we find Laurent Lafitte who will play the “Saint Bernard of lame ducks”. Joséphine Japy as Dominique, the businessman’s wife. But also Fabrice Luchini, Antoine Reinartz or Hakim Jemili.

He himself did not want this biopic. In 2021, for Var-Matin, he said: “Doing it without asking me for my agreement in principle is not very good, there are things we don’t do”. His wife declined to comment at this time. However, Rodolphe and Sophie Tapie have strongly expressed their dissatisfaction with this project. To avoid the release of a series on the life of his father, Laurent Tapie had even tried to file a “Bernard Tapie” patent, in the “audiovisual” category.

To defend himself, Tristan Séguéla, one of the directors of this series and grandson of one of Bernard Tapie’s relatives, the publicist Jacques Séguéla, specifies that this biopic will be more fiction with a very strong part of subjectivity. Comments he made at Première in June 2021. The filmmaker also offered Dominique Tapie to watch the series, which she refused, but she appreciated the gesture.

The end of this story will take place on September 13, once the series is available on the online platform. Will you watch or boycott this series? In the meantime, here are some other images from the biopic.