resim 43
resim 43

A first date ends with an unusual request: the man wants the woman not to wear makeup the next time they meet.

A woman has just completed a first date. “It was great, we had a lot of fun getting to know each other,” she writes on Reddit. But then the man made an unusual request for the second date.

According to the Reddit user, she and the man have been in contact for a few weeks. After the first date it was clear that they wanted to meet again. But now the woman is no longer sure. Because the message to her said: “Next time we meet, try not to wear make-up.”

On the date she wore a little more make-up than normal. But it wasn’t too extravagant, said the Reddit user. “I don’t know if I’m overreacting or if I should take this as strange news since we just met for the first time today,” she writes. Now the woman wants to hear the opinions of other users.

Some people commented that she should ask him the reason for this request. However, many advise her to forget the man and not go on a second date.

“Maybe he just prefers a natural look, but telling you what to wear is controlling behavior,” one user writes.

Another woman has also had little luck in love: 28-year-old Celeste from London. She didn’t like dating in her hometown. So she decided to take an unusual step. She flew to Spain for a first date. “It was a lot of time to spend with one person, but he did everything he could to make me feel very, very comfortable,” she says. “We take it as it comes,” Celeste continues.

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There are clear words from North Rhine-Westphalia: The new Islamism report warns of small groups and solo perpetrators – often lured in by jihadist propaganda. In addition, the NRW state security officers have noticed increasing contacts between Salafist preachers and criminal Kurdish-Lebanese clans.