The use of spices by humans dates back more than 5000 years before the year 0! As soon as they were discovered by certain ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians or the Assyrians, humans made a very varied use of spices. Indeed, herbs of all kinds can be used in the kitchen, to enhance the taste of dishes. This is the main use that is made of them. But, spices also have medicinal properties, and have therefore been used to heal for millennia!

The spice trade represents a very important turnover, and this, since the first beginnings of their marketing on a world scale. After the arrival of European settlers in America or India, spice resources were plundered by Western merchants, who, thanks to the new craze for these herbs, resold them at the price of gold. Over time, many spices originally from very distant cultures have a lasting place in the gastronomic traditions of several countries.

If you like to eat spicy, that your dishes have taste and that you cook with a lot of spices, beware! Some are the subject of massive recalls across France at the moment. The cause ? The presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in cumin being part of the mixtures composing them. These are in fact natural toxins whose ingestion rate must be absolutely limited, hence the reminder.

It is therefore necessary to identify the compromised bottles, and to eliminate them as quickly as possible from your pantry. Here are the references to identify:

GTIN 3162050040706

Lot 2231146

Date of minimum durability: 07/10/2025

GTIN 3162050040256

Lots 2218746 and 2229946

Minimum durability dates: 06/06/2025 and 09/26/2025

Garam masala from Saint Lucia brand

GTIN 3162050040775

Lot 2216536

Date of minimum durability: 05/14/2025

In order to claim a refund, you can bring them back to one of the subsidiaries of one of the distributors behind the recall. Find the list below!