resim 1318
resim 1318

Full restoration of banking services had not yet been achieved as of Thursday morning, but management says the situation is progressing.

“Payrolls, pensions, etc., have been processed and deposited into client accounts as we speak,” bank spokesperson Merick Séguin said on Thursday.

He adds that the ATMs are fully functional and that the gradual return of the rest of the online services should take place in the morning and gradually throughout the day.

Some services have been paralyzed since Sunday morning following a computer glitch. Management maintains that it was a “routine update” that caused the problems.

The outage notably affected fund transfers, deposits and online bill payments.

The bank continues to process and synchronize all transactions made since Sunday before it can make online banking platforms fully accessible. However, the processing of the transactions was still not completed on Thursday morning.

The bank is trying to ensure that customers can have up-to-date information in front of them when banking services return to normal so as to take into account all transactions carried out since Sunday.

However, the more time passes, the more transactions there are to catch up on.

Credit and debit cards in stores have never ceased to be used.

The IT problems at Laurentian Bank come two weeks after the bank announced the departure of its head of personal banking services, Karine Abgrall-Teslyk.

Personal banking services are now the responsibility of Éric Provost, who is also responsible for business services.

This organizational change was announced at the same time as the bank indicated that it had completed the strategic review exercise of its activities and that it judged that the best path to follow to maximize value for its shareholders is to accelerate the evolution of its current strategic plan.