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It’s official, since January 1, 2024, sorting of organic waste is obligatory for all French people, who must install compost in their homes. In collective housing, cities must provide sorting solutions, such as collective composters, says an article from on the subject.

“This obligation translates into the implementation, at community level, of local management solutions and/or separate collection of bio-waste for individuals. A green fund set up by the State is intended to support the implementation places sorting solutions by communities”. To this end, certain municipalities have decided to set up a completely free distribution of composters, in order to encourage residents to adopt this new practice more easily.

The benefit of composting, for users, allows them to no longer put their bio-waste in the gray bin and to respect the regulatory obligation that applies to everyone. This also offers the opportunity to enhance your garden with a natural amendment while transforming a waste product into something useful.

Compost helps improve soil fertility: it regenerates the land, makes the soil more alive, retains water in the soil, lightens clay soils, contributes to the development of plants, protects plants against diseases.

In many towns, it is possible to collect your own individual composter free of charge. However, the distribution of this special bin is subject to certain conditions, which vary depending on your place of residence, such as the number of people present in your household or having a garden, for example. Contact your town hall or local waste management organization to obtain more specific information on the criteria or documents to provide.

Once you’ve collected your brand new free composter, it’s time to think about where to place it to get the most out of it. The ideal would be to place it in a shaded corner sheltered from the wind in your outdoor space.

This will prevent your compost from drying out in excessive sunlight, which could seriously slow down the decomposition process. It is also ingenious to place it on a support, such as pallets, and on a permeable, flat surface such as grass or gravel, to avoid any stagnation of unwanted liquids.

Discover now our slideshow to discover the list of municipalities distributing free composters in 2024: