resim 582
resim 582

Old habits die hard these days. Starting with those in your kitchen. Throwing your vegetable peelings in the trash is now prohibited, under penalty of a fine! But rest assured, it’s for a good cause. You must in fact compost your bio-waste since January 1, which will then be recycled.

Local authorities must therefore offer residents solutions to this effect, recalls an article from France 3 regions. This could be the organization of an additional collection or the provision of collective composters… But they still need to be equipped. To do this, many of them have increased calls for tenders… Which has allowed a number of companies to expand the range of compost bins available on the market. A boon for businesses, but also for individuals who would also like to equip themselves.

“EMZ Environnement, Blard environment, V3C environment… Many companies offer their shared compost bins to communities”, develops a report from France 3 Régions on the subject. In Saint-Léger-du-Bourg-Denis (Seine-Maritime), the research and development company S2 has also designed its shelter to collect bio-waste, for example. “The challenge is to offer a product that can be dismantled, easy to repair, easy to use for municipalities,” explains Michel Gelin, responsible for the technical part of the “IRIS240” shelter, aka “Sesame”; for the chain.

The object was patented and produced in an establishment and work assistance service in Calvados. It looks exactly like a classic planter shelter, but its inventor wanted it to be “revolutionary”. “It has the same capacity, a lid, a hatch, but the entire part located above the bin can be removed in fifteen seconds to be easily repaired. We have motorized it. There is a pedal, but it opens automatically by passing your hand over it, so as to be accessible to people with reduced mobility”, also specifies Michel Gelin. “The pedal is mandatory to participate in community calls for tender, but if you make do with it, you forget about people in wheelchairs!”, adds the inventor.

In Amfreville-sur-Iton (Eure), a “similar shared composter” was set up in the town center, highlights the report. Since using it, Sabrina Pierrache has greatly reduced her household waste bin. “It makes less waste. It’s important for the ecology,” she assures.

And as proof: a classic trash can actually weighs on average 225 kg, according to a study carried out by the Seine-Eure urban community, while 30% of waste is compostable, the article insists. “12 kg of food waste and 50 kg of bio-waste”, specifies Sylvie Peton, director of the cleanliness and waste department.

In addition to the practical and ecological benefits, the composting reflex helps reduce bills, explains Marie-Noëlle Lenfant, mayor of Amfreville-sur-Iton and vice-president of the Seine-Eure agglomeration community for the chain.

To top it all off and encourage individuals to equip themselves with a composter, the city grants a subsidy capped at 150 euros. The price of a bin varies depending on the quality of the compost, but above all depending on its capacity, therefore between 20 and 400 euros.