resim 1272
resim 1272

Complementary health insurance (CSS) is an aid from the Health Insurance. Its purpose is to facilitate the payment of health expenses for people with low incomes. Since November 1, 2019, it has replaced the complementary universal health cover (CMU-C) and the aid for complementary health insurance (ACS). Which retirees are eligible?

The Complementary Health Solidarity (CSS) fully covers the additional part, also called the co-payment, of the care reimbursable by Health Insurance. This includes in particular consultations with health professionals such as doctors, dentists or nurses, the daily rate at the hospital, medicines or even prescriptions for medical analyses. Thanks to the Complémentaire santé solidaire (CSS), the doctor will not be able to invoice excess fees, unless the patient has specific requests. Optics, dental prostheses and hearing aids are also affected.

Many retirees can claim complementary health insurance. It is granted in particular subject to conditions of resources, those recorded in the twelve months preceding the request, but also of eligibility for the assumption of responsibility for health expenses by Health Insurance. This ceiling therefore depends on the composition of the household. If you live alone, it amounts to 9,719 euros per year, while if you are in a couple, it reaches 14,578 euros per year. However, be careful because, if you own your accommodation or are hosted free of charge, a housing package is added to your resources.