No country in the world is as innovative as Germany. This is what the world economic forum (WEF) in its annual study of competitiveness. As measured by ten different criteria, the country will offer the best conditions to deal with innovative processes from idea to commercialization. Only slightly worse is the USA and Switzerland cut in the point.

The result is in contrast to the country’s widespread criticism, the Germans were not great inventors, to understand it, but, your ideas into successful products and companies. Also, the lack of risk capital, and the slow Expansion with fast data lines (5G) is often complained of.

The WEF praises, however, for example, strong research institutions, a successful Cluster – specific technologies, specialized networks of companies and research institutions – as well as the good cooperation of different stakeholders, for example, the operational co-determination. The leaders of Germany, except in the power of innovation according to the WEF, with a view to the economic stability. This is mainly due to the low Inflation and sound public finances.

Overall, Germany is in the competition, ranking in third place, behind the USA and Singapore. The world economic forum looks at America, in spite of the protectionist trade policy and defects in the social system. No other country is an entrepreneurial dynamic and have a powerful financial system. The second largest economy in the world, China is far behind in 28th place. At the very rear of mainly African States.

The WEF investigated Thresholds for the ranking of 140 industrial countries, and developing countries on the basis of 98 indicators, which it combines to give twelve for the competitiveness of crucial factors. This year, the WEF had changed the methodology to better reflect how the countries for the digital transformation are prepared. “The fourth industrial Revolution changed the competitive landscape dramatically,” – said in the report.

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Many factors are in this new environment is crucial, have in the past played no role in political decisions, such as idea generation, entrepreneurial culture, social openness and mobility.

“I expect a new division of the world into countries, the understanding of this innovative change, and those who don’t understand it,” said Klaus Schwab, founder of the world economic forum. The WEF advocate for open markets, at the same time, however, the potential losers of globalization have to be protected. Redistribution and social protection systems are not contrary to higher competitiveness.