Company owner Robert Dubler fights back For me the word is moors head positive
Company owner Robert Dubler fights back For me the word is moors head positive

Company owner Robert Dubler fights back – For me the word “moor’s head” positive Robert Dubler occupied remains in the debate over the controversial product name hard: The Name will not change, even if after the Migros also Volg threatened with expulsion.Jon Mettler1 Kommentar1Fabrikant Robert Dubler and his eponymous company produces annually around 10 million “moor’s heads”.Photo: Gaëtan Bally/Keystone

The Migros Dubler “moor heads” taken from the shelves of stores in Zürich (to the report). Now Volg is no longer threatening to sell the products of the Aargauer company Dubler with the controversial name. This is the “view reports”. Company owner Robert Dubler takes a position on the growing public pressure on its operation with 15 employees.

Has Volg already informed you about the fact that they consider the name “moor’s head” as a more according to the time?

no, I know nothing of this.

After all, Volg open shows, according to the “view” to find a fair solution with you. You are ready for it?

A fair solution regarding what?

Presumably it’s the product name of “moor’s head”.

Just! I wonder what the point is. I see no reason to change the name. “Moor’s head”, this is my life. I’m all man and don’t treat you fair, your skin color interests me. The stepfather to my wife about is black.

“I’m all man and don’t treat you fair, your skin color is interested in me.”

Robert Dubler, owner of the company Dubler Mohrenkopf

do not change the name?

no. What is happening is, in my view disproportionate, but it doesn’t bother me. For me the word is “moor’s head” is positive. It stands for a quality product, we annually produce 10 million pieces, in Switzerland. Only half of our products we sell in the retail trade, the other half, we offer directly to our switch.

the discussion Takes on a magnitude that threatens your company?

no. It is a side-show. It is from an entrepreneurial point of view, more important issues we should seriously talk. We should rather ask whether the banks and corporations their macroeconomic responsibility enough. Only a few people have learned anything from the past few months.

What do you mean?

has puzzled Me, that freedom to have called-thinking entrepreneurs quickly to state funds, although they are otherwise against state interference. I paid for introduced in my company, no short-time work and my staff during the Corona-crisis the full wage.

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