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Anne Peichert alias Louane was born on November 26, 1996 in Hénin-Beaumont. Coming from a blended family, she grew up in this small town in Pas-de-Calais surrounded by her half-brothers and sisters. “There are no halves with us, we are all brothers and sisters! It was a happy mess, there were always people, noise, activity”, she told Liberation in 2015 His parents, international insurance brokers, reportedly met at their workplace. “My mother wanted to go out with my father, and he gave her a wind. The next day, he came back saying OK,” she explained.

“Turbulent child” as she recalls, she was fired during her childhood from several group lessons including “athletic, dance, swimming, climbing, gymnastics” she had explained to our colleagues before leaving. add: “In class, I’m too talkative, I have an average of between 8 and 12 when I’m really into it”. If at the time, the singer was not so interested in school, it is because her passion for singing was probably all her thoughts. In 2009, at the age of 12, she participated in the The program L’École des stars broadcast on Direct 8 before embarking on the adventure of The Voice in 2013. His broken voice, which seduced coach Louis Bertignac, even took him to the semi-finals. A “brilliant, incredible, crazy and hyper formative” experience.

But the star does not really reveal himself until the following year in the film La Famille Bélier. Thanks to her successful performance, the young woman even won the César for Best Female Hope in 2015. In the process, she released her first album entitled Chambre 12 which was quickly certified as a double diamond disc.

While Louane seems to live a peaceful and fulfilling life, she has faced many dramas in her life, including the loss of both parents. “My father was full of will and my mother was a workhorse. I think both of them nourished me enormously when I was younger. My mother had this sentence that she always said to me: ‘If you want to do things, do them and whatever happens, whether you succeed or not, at least you will have the satisfaction of having do things thoroughly. It’s kind of my mantra, kind of what I tell myself every morning,” she said during her interview at Seven to Eight in June 2018.

Her father tragically died in 2013 before she appeared on The Voice, and her mother left a year later after a long illness. A subject that the young woman does not like to discuss in the media. “Unless it serves a cause, I find it a bit pathos to talk about it. It will never be my signature, it will never be a card that I will use. Indeed, I talk about it in my music, I talk about it in my songs, it obviously influenced the way I built myself“, she explained.

More recently, on May 15, 2022, the singer agreed to return to this drama in the show Seven to eight on TF1. “What more do I have to say about it? I don’t want to make people cry in the cottages. I have nothing but time, nobody has nothing but that,” she explained, adding that to overcome their loss, the star devoted herself to her passion for singing. “I was very well surrounded, and I locked myself into work a lot, because I needed to do something else. The fact of being able to concentrate on the album, to go on tour quickly, that made me really saved,” she explained.

In 2020, singer Louane and her partner, musician Florian Rossi, became parents to a daughter named Esmée. Information revealed by our colleagues from Closer who revealed on the front page of the magazine, the well-rounded belly of the young woman. In an interview with Marie-Claire, the singer confided in this birth. “I don’t even know where to start, so much the arrival of my daughter in my life has changed things. My work organization, my waking hours too, unfortunately!”, She confided and added: ” It’s great, this change brings a lot of joy, laughter, and at the same time… It’s a bit of a panic. I find myself having ridiculous fears. The first time my daughter got hurt , I wanted to call the emergency room.

As a couple for a few years, the lovers met on the singer’s tour in 2018. Before joining Louane’s tour, Florian Rossi was a singer in a pop rock group called LANES. The young man, who plays accordion, bass, piano and even guitar, has also collaborated with popular singers including Stromae and Kendji.