the CDU and the greens, have agreed in Hesse, almost silently, to a continuation of their coalition, as they ruled the past five years. Only minor skirmishes broke during the coalition negotiations to the outside. A Green should have popped with the doors, it’s supposed to be in the state Chancellery, according to become. But after a few weeks of Negotiations, both parties agreed on a nearly two hundred-page contract for the upcoming legislative session. The is, however, likely to be for both sides, clearly uncomfortable as the last.

Economical Hesse is excellent. At key Points in the country, but it creaks When housing especially, but also in the transport policy. In both areas, not much happened in the last five years. The Hesse Greens have not been pulled for it – even though the state government is thematically responsible for the choice to be accountable. On the contrary, they could double their seats in the new Parliament. The Federal political situation and the image that gave the Grand coalition in Berlin are in favour of a Declaration. This is one of the successes that the Hessian Green small, your clientele have achieved, however, important: the energy transition, in Organic farming, the Expansion of bike paths around.

Green have to let deeds follow

Now, however, you have to take alone, due to their almost doubling of election results, other policy fields in the view. You need to the most out of your niche. And you need to let the self-consciousness, with which you have to go in the new edition of the coalition, action. The Green twice to fill as many ministries as in the past. The Deputy Prime Minister Tarek Al-Wazir is not only the Minister for economy and transport, but also for housing. A kind of Hessian “super Ministry,” he tailor. So he is responsible for the Central themes in the state of Hesse. That in the coalition agreement promised to increase the funding for social housing from 1.7 billion to 2.2 billion for five years, acts like the big shot, the enormous problems resulting space due to the influx in the Metropolitan, Lord. What is missing is land. And identify, fraught with conflicts. Someone called for yet more apartments, the Greens warned quickly before consumption. This is not more rich. Al Wazir will need to build. Also against the wishes of many of his followers.