Comment for EU reconstruction funds A question of Survival
Comment for EU reconstruction funds A question of Survival

Comment for EU reconstruction funds-A question of survival in Brussels don’t want to mess with the Corona-stimulus program, but think big.Opinion Stephan Israel from Brüssel3 Kommentare3Für Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, the so-called “Recovery Fund” means the Central Instrument to the unity of the EU’s true in the Corona-crisis.Photo: Stephanie Lecoco (Keystone)

to be or not to Be. If the Euro dies, the breaking up of the internal market? The EU Commission wants to slog in the face of danger with your proposal for an economic programme and not a mess. Brussels proposes to mobilize for economic recovery Europe’s 750 billion Euro. Two-thirds should be invested in the Form of subsidies, and one third as loans.

The EU Commission wants to first make debt and money can take, to then be used by the member States over a period of 30 years to be paid back. It could be a founding moment for the EU, which gives the instruments to the dangerous stop drifting Apart in the Eurozone. An intermediate step from Confederation to the Federal state.

It is also not in the interest of Switzerland, the country in the middle of the political tensions escalate.

Now, in the Corona-crisis, the Northern European member States can save its own power company from Bankruptcy and major investment program. Italy, Greece or Spain is missing because of the high level of debt related to the game room. The reconstruction Fund is the right Instrument, in order to counteract this. However, there are still some hurdles before it can start. It will be a fight about terms and conditions and checks so that the money arrives where it is needed. The EU Parliament and the governments in Vienna, The Hague and Stockholm have yet to be convinced.

resistance comes from countries with their export-oriented economies from the intact internal market and the single currency, benefiting in particular. The EU, however, comes only out of the crisis together. Economic devastation in the South and a speedy recovery in the North that would not go well. It is also not in the interest of Switzerland, the country in the middle of the political tensions do not escalate, the economic increasing imbalance between North and South more.

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