Comes to light a story unpublished Hemingway
Comes to light a story unpublished Hemingway

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Have been almost sixty years since the death of Ernest Hemingway and his work continues to grow with the aparacición recurring here and there, tales unknown that bear her signature. The latter has brought to light “The New Yorker”, and is great news for the readers of the north american, since this is a story with echoes evident from one of his great novels, though in reality it is quite short: “ The old man and the sea “.

“Pursuit As Happiness” is situated in a coastal town, in a few quiet months of summer in which the protagonist, Ernest, kill the day with his friends fishing for billfish that then give away to the locals. In that relaxed atmosphere, of peace, of days nice and wide, emerges from the water a huge fish that becomes her obsession: the marlin “largest that has ever swum in the ocean”.

“When we saw it, we knew how big it was. You could not say that it was terrifying. But it was amazing,” writes Hemingway. From there, tells of the obsessive search of the fish, as in his great novel, as fishing was one of his obsessions.

“actually, I find it hard to classify it as fiction or non-fiction, because much of the story is autobiographical, but I prefer to think of it as fiction. Is carefully crafted and reads like a short work of fiction (…) it Is possible that the story has been inspired on a fishing trip in particular, in the summer of 1933, when the story develops, but in my opinion probably was inspired by several different experiences, to which the author added elements fictitious that enhance the story,” explained Sean Hemingway , grandson of the writer, in an interview with the magazine new yorker.

Was it, precisely, that he chanced upon the manuscript typed when I was checking the Collection Ernest Hemingway in the Library and Museum John F. Kennedy in Boston. He argues that it is not a draft of “The old man and the sea”, but a story that complements this novel. In fact, the story will be included in a new edition of that book, which is already preparing.

“Pursuit As Happiness” is the last of the new findings of Hemingway. In the summer of 2018, the american magazine “the Strand Magazine” has been commissioned to disclose “A Room on the Garden Side”, a short story set in the Second World War, which Hemingway wrote during one of his stays in Paris. And a year before it appeared the first account of the writer, which had gone unnoticed for years as a fake journal that, in reality, was a clever exercise in fiction of a ten year old.