resim 101
resim 101

The phone is ringing. You pick up, thinking the call is potentially important. But it is indeed only a telephone canvasser who wishes to inform you of the latest promotions of the moment. This experience is daily for many French people who face, every day, sometimes multiple calls of this kind.

Fortunately, new measures have been put in place to protect consumers and restrict certain practices. Since January 1, 2023, it has thus been impossible for direct sellers to use telephone numbers beginning with the digits 06 or 07.

Thus, special numbers have now been distributed to them and it is therefore easier to recognize them when you receive a call. Platforms performing this type of practice must indeed now only use numbers starting with the following digits:

This is not the only measure that has been taken to combat abusive canvassing. From now on, companies will no longer be able to call you at any time and will have to respect certain conditions. Telephone platforms are no longer authorized to call consumers on weekends and on public holidays.

In addition, they must respect certain schedules and can only make phone calls from Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and then between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., reports France Bleu.

More recently, however, the government has reversed restrictions which will now be relaxed and certain companies will no longer be systematically sanctioned for cold calling practices.

Until now, cold calling was prohibited for companies in the energy renovation sector, even if consumers had consented to receive the calls. The Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud (DGCCRF), thus considered that the appeals concerning heat pumps, insulation or even solar panels were abusive and should lead to a sanction.

But the government has decided to relax this measure and allow calls as long as companies meet certain conditions.

As reported by the Sunday Journal, the Minister responsible for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Tourism, Olivia Grégoire, has asked the DGCCRF to no longer sanction telephone prospecting for companies in the energy renovation.

However, for these companies to be able to call consumers, it is necessary that they have agreed in advance to receive this type of phone call. In the sector, professionals are relieved since it is now the will of the consumer that will be followed, as requested by the Direct Selling Federation.