Coalition in Hesse Everyone reads the His
Coalition in Hesse Everyone reads the His

for The first Time, it was a miracle, the second Time, it was a close one. The 2014 of the many marveled at black-and-green Hessian state government makes more, this time with the narrowest of majorities. Because have moved in the coalition, but the Weights, they wanted to both the CDU and the Greens emphasize their Own stronger, many in the CDU have said, except “Berlin” was dropped in the parliamentary election, even so, because you have given in to the Green, and the Green there are many, the found, the new coalition agreement would have to be twice as green as the previous one.

a coalition agreement, in which everyone finds His own come. When the M-topic no one should have to deny “its origin,” it should “but also our cultural achievements” are preserved. This is the inevitable semantics of such a deal, which is part of a very General character and in other Places almost bizarre Detail: the Expansion of the police canine unit, the state government specifically to your case.