The CM should 13.500 euros of capital to give to the other zorgkassen, though, everyone can still have near-perfect a report as possible. That’s the message to The Standard on Saturday.

The Flemish government and carried out in early 2018, with a financial responsibility of the Flemish zorgkassen. The inefficiencies of zorgkassen may be the basis for a portion of their operating costs, and to enable you to get to the zorgkassen which is better. From the first to the figures, the N-VA member of parliament, Lorin Parys opvroeg by the Flemish minister of well-being, Wouter Beke (CD&V), it is obvious that the responsibility of preliminary, barely shifts it causes in the budget.

In the first year, we had a single quality standard was met for all zorgkassen the maximum score, and had no capital to give. In the beginning of 2019, was a new set of indicators, and re-drew almost all of the zorgkassen a perfect report. Only the zorgkas van de CM, and the largest in Flanders, were just not that good, at 96 per cent and need to be a part of its operating subsidies to give: 13.493 the euro will be divided among the other zorgkassen.

“The results of the 2018, the start of a process that, in the next few years will continue to grow,” says the government-Beke. For the time being, it is only a 4 per cent, of the entire operating budget depends on the quality, which is good for 358.120 of the euro. This amount will be in the next few years, is systematically increased up to 20 per cent of the operating budget in 2022, to 1.8 million.

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